Oxygen Absorbers

I highly recommend these oxygen absorbers and mylar bags.

Oxygen Absorbers Overview:

  1. Definition:
    • Oxygen absorbers are small packets or sachets that contain iron powder, salt, and clay. They are designed to remove or reduce the presence of oxygen in a sealed environment.
  2. Purpose:
    • The primary purpose of oxygen absorbers is to extend the shelf life of packaged food and other products by preventing oxidation and spoilage. Oxygen is a major contributor to the degradation of many substances, including food items.
  3. How They Work:
    • Oxygen absorbers typically contain iron powder, which reacts with oxygen to form iron oxide (rust). This reaction occurs within a porous sachet, preventing direct contact between the iron and the product being preserved. The reduction of oxygen helps inhibit the growth of aerobic bacteria, molds, and other microorganisms.
  4. Types of Oxygen Absorbers:
    • Iron-Based Absorbers: Most common, utilizing iron powder.
    • Organic Compound Absorbers: May contain ascorbic acid or other organic compounds.
    • Moisture-Absorbing Absorbers: Combine oxygen removal with moisture control.
  5. Packaging Applications:
    • Food Preservation: Used in food packaging to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage.
    • Pharmaceuticals: Preserves the efficacy and shelf life of medications.
    • Electronics: Protects sensitive electronic components from oxidation.
    • Documents and Artifacts: Preserves historical documents and artifacts.
  6. Advantages:
    • Extended Shelf Life: Prevents oxidation and slows down the spoilage process.
    • Preservation of Nutrients: Helps retain the nutritional value of packaged food.
    • Prevention of Mold and Bacteria: Inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
  7. Considerations:
    • Packaging Integrity: Oxygen absorbers work best in a well-sealed, airtight environment.
    • Size and Capacity: Choose absorbers based on the volume of the package and the oxygen removal required.
    • Activation Time: Some absorbers may require time to reach full effectiveness after exposure to air.
  8. Storage and Handling:
    • Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Moisture and heat can activate absorbers prematurely.
    • Avoid Direct Contact: Do not place absorbers directly in contact with food products.
  9. Common Sizes:
    • Oxygen absorbers are available in various sizes, ranging from a few cubic centimeters to several liters, to accommodate different packaging volumes.
  10. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Ensure that the selected oxygen absorbers comply with relevant regulations and standards for the intended application.
  11. Disposal:
    • Oxygen absorbers are generally safe for disposal in regular household waste. The iron content poses minimal environmental risk.
  12. Brands and Suppliers:
    • Several companies specialize in the production of oxygen absorbers, such as Multisorb Technologies, Desiccare, and others.

Important Note: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for the specific type and brand of oxygen absorber used. The information provided here is a general overview and may not cover all aspects of every product on the market.

5 or 6-gallon bucket or mylar2000cc
1 gallon to 2 gallon mylar1000cc
1/2 gallon Mylar or jar500cc
Quart Mylar or jar300cc
Pint Mylar or jar100cc

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  1. Cynthia Trowbridge says:

    Hi Leisa, I’d like to see your recipes. I read the note about they are hyper-linked but not blue-colored. I can not get any of the to come up.
    I’m a newby canner & food prepper. I just discovered your YouTube channel on your Canuary & have been binge watching your channel ( & your blog) non-stop! You are such a good teacher! I surely agree with your philosophy- food preparedness is the best insurance you can give your family! Keep up the great work Leisa. Thank you. Cynthia Trowbridge 💜

  2. Patty Sandel says:

    Leisa, you have been my go to in my learning journey of canning and food preservation. I started canning in 2020 when the shelves were bare in the grocery stores. I watched others instructing it was ok to can strawberry pie filling with thickeners. After watching you I realized I had to trash it. Hard, emotional lesson. I also learned about the weights I didn’t need to babysit for the presto canner, thank God! I had been ready to give up canning before that $15 hint you shared. You are a great instructor and thank you for all the wonderful videos!


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