Steam Canning 101
There are three approved and safe methods of canning. Pressure Canning, Waterbath canning and steam canning.

Steam canning is a safe and approved method of canning high acid foods with a pH of 4.6 or below. This includes pickles, jams and jellies to name a few.

What is nice about the steam canner is that it requires much less water than the average water bath canner making it much more environmentally friendly in addition to less energy because it reaches the required temperature more quickly.
A steam canner is very affordable. This is the steam canner that we own and recommend.

Steam canning is a method of home canning in which full jars are processed using the heat of steam in an enclosed vessel. The sterilizing heat is provided by a pure steam atmosphere that reaches 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit).
A steam canner can safely preserve both naturally acidic and acidified foods (such as relishes, pickles, fruits, jams, chutneys and acidified tomatoes). However, there are times when using a steam canner isn’t the best option.
Items that can be steam canned:
* Fruit jams, jellies, preserves, marmalades, and conserves
*Ketchup, Barbecue Sauce
*Fruits and Fruit Products

Most other items require processing times beyond the recommended 45 minutes that a steam canner should run.
You never want to run your steam canner dry. As with any water bath or pressure canner, a steam canner that is allowed to run dry will run into issues such as warping making it a really ugly doorstop.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Safe Preserving: Using a Steam Canner
Just picked up a steam canner! I love that it doesn’t take so much water!